Tuesday 29 November 2016

Post Production #6

In this session, we inserted footage from our previous filming session and focussed on more technical editing techniques. For example, we constructed the superimposition shot by using these shots:

To create the superimposition of these shots, we cut and aligned each clip to match the timing of the lyrics with the song. We then layered the clips on top of one another, then adjusted the opacity of both in order to get the best effect.

 Split screen shot:

To create the split screen with these shots, we cut and aligned them to the song and layer them, then double click on the first clip in the preview window to scale it and crop it to reveal the second clip which we repeated the prior step to get each clip evenly on either side of the screen to get the best result.

Zoom in and play photo into the video:

To create this effect, we took a photo of the artists before we filmed the clip so the effect would look as though the photo and video run smoothly as they would be in the same positions and the lighting would be the same. We then filmed an over the shoulder shot of the female artist looking at the photo which will edit into the clip. To edit this together we first used the over the shoulder shot clip and inserted a keyframe at the beginning and at the end, for scale and rotation at effect control. We then adjusted the rotation and scale so the clip would zoom in and angle the photo horizontally in order for the photo to align with the video clip that would follow.

Disappearing artist:

To  create this effect we filmed the artists standing next to each other and, after a short while, the male artist moves out of the frame and the female artist remains still. This is so that when the male artist moves out of frame is cut out, the transition is smooth and gives the effect he is just disappearing. We also added a black and white filter to the section when the artist is left on her own, to fit with the rest of the clips when she is alone. To make the transition smooth, we added a cross dissolve so the male artist would decreasingly fade out and the black and white effect would slowly increase.

We feel this editing session went well as we used more technical effects to make the video unique and visually interesting. However, there were some gaps so we need to film more footage and continue to experiment with technical effects and camera shots and angles.

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