Friday 18 November 2016

Filming Session #7 (18/11/2016)

In this session, we went to the park to film more lip synching shots and shots with the other artist involved. Things that went well in this session was that we experimented with various different types of shots and angles to make them interesting, we also kept referring back to our animatic in order for our final video to reflect our initial idea. However, what did not go as well in this session is that we were due to film the two artists at a claw machine in the high street, due to the corruption of our footage during our filming session in London, but the machine was not there so we will need to plan to do these shots at a different location.

This shot is for part of a split screen shot we will create in post. However, we feel it went well as a single shot as the lighting is clear and is framed as a mid shot with a blurred out background which creates a hazy effect.

This shot was experimental as we were not sure how it was going to work out as it is not a conventional shot used in music videos. We feel as though it worked as the lighting is clear on the artists' faces and they are clearly identifiable. This shot is unique as it is unusual to use either side of the frame for what the audience is supposed to look at.

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