Tuesday 20 December 2016

Music Video Second Draft

This is the second draft of our music video, the things we feel went well were our mise en scene, such as our locations, props, costumes and lighting. For example, we feel this shot of the silhouette went well as the artist's outline is clear and the darkness around her makes the lighting effect more dramatic.

We feel this shot went well in terms of the artist's costume as it is typical from the indie pop genre and suits the song. We also feel the location worked well in this shot as the park in the Autumn so gives the shot a moody feel to it.
We feel the bowling alley worked as a location in our video as it is a typical place to go for a date and the lighting of a bowling alley creates a moody effect as it is dark.

The coffee shop worked well as a location as we were able to easily film them both and then Robin by herself to show the separation of the two artists.
At the end of the video we decided to film the male artist walking away from Robin, we feel the location of this tunnel works for this shot as it is a long passage and so the male artist gets quite far away from Robin.

We also feel we used some good camerawork in different shots and that the use of dissolves and superimposition worked well. For example we feel this shot went well as we focused on the mise en scene around the mirror but also made sure the camera was not shown in the mirror and that it was clear to the audience that she is looking at the photo of her with the male artist.

The superimposition of the artists went well as they are roughly in the same position and the overlay clearly shows both of the artists lip synching to the same lyrics which creates the effect that although they are in the same place, they are separated.

To improve our video, we could change the reverse effect so that it fits in with the beats of the song in order for it be more smooth. On some of the really shaky shots we could use the warp stabiliser tool in order to smooth them out so that it has a cleaner finish.

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